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          » » » Why Silver Jewellery get black after sometimes?

           Why Silver Jewellery get black after sometimes? 


          Any Treatment? 

          Any Preventing Tips?

          Everyone loves to buy silver jewellery because of very less price if you compare it with gold. You can buy different designs of silver jewellery without spending much. But only problem people face with silver is turning black with time also known as tarnishing. There are few things which you can try to prevent your silver turn black.


          • Silver loves to form silver Sulfide Sulfide (black tarnish) with the element Sulfur. The primary causes are Hydrogen Sulphide gas (rotten egg odor) or Sulfur Dioxide gas which are usually present in the air in tiny amounts. The more present the greater the tarnish problem.
          • When there are product build-up and gunk on our skin and clothes, it transfers to the jewelry we are wearing. These chemicals are most times made of a very abrasive compound that cause the coating to start chipping or rubbing off the more there is friction.
          • Jewelry is greatly affected by the general environment. That is why in sale, it is always packed in protective covers to keep moisture out. If your region or town is quite hot and humid, this will raise the moisture levels. This is not good for your jewelry as this moisture seeps into your metal making it pale and dull. The more your silver comes in touch with water or its forms, it will be prone to causing the black discoloration. So, remember to take it off before swimming, taking a shower, or going into your steam bath or sauna.
          • According to specialists, people with high acidic levels are more prone to these metal reactions with silver. They even suggest that eating a diet high in tomatoes, taking certain medications, or even getting excited could all trigger some rise in acidity which could increase your chances of a skin reaction.

          Any treatment for Tarnishing? 

          Why Not.

          Method :

          Cleaning silver with a combination of aluminum foil, baking soda, and salt does the trick for both small and large silver pieces.

          • Line a pot or roasting pan with aluminum foil. Make sure the foil covers the entire surface.
          • Fill the pan with boiling water.
          • Add 1/4 cup baking soda and 2 teaspoons of kosher salt to the water and stir. You should see bubbles form.
          • Place silver pieces in the solution and mix gently so that pieces don’t ram into one another or the sides of the pan.
          • Let sit for up to 5 minutes.
          • Once cool, remove and dry thoroughly with a soft cloth.

          Silver jewellery can be electro plated with rhodium, a very bright white metal which does not tarnish, it will however wear off in time if the article of jewellery is in everyday use . Pendants and earrings which are plated do not get the same wear as a ring so it will last indefinitely. Reputable jeweller can better silver rhodium plated for more usage.

          Another Mothod :

          WD-40  multi-use spray.

          Spray it on the silver jewelry and use a clean microfiber cloth to polish it in a circular motion. You will slowly see the tarnish disappear. 

          WD-40 is an excellent cleaning agent that you can use to clean and shine your jewelry and several other items. Due to its composition, it does not harm the texture of the material you are cleaning. Therefore it leaves behind a shiny and new look of the material– jewelry in this case.

          Preventing Tips

          Here are a few tips that maybe could help you get a handle on the situation temporarily and hopefully permanently.

          • Keep your jewelry always clean. Make a habit of wiping down your jewelry when you remove it at the end of a long day. using a soft cotton or fleece cloth, gently rubbing over your silver chain regularly will help keep the shiny sheen on.
          • Store your silver jewelry appropriately in an air-tight padded container or box in a dark room. Making every effort to keep your chain away from dust and atmospheric temperatures will keep it looking new for longer.
          • Be sure to store jewelry separately even if they are all of a similar color shade. Investing in zip lock bags in which to store them will see you enjoy them for a longer time than most.
          • Soak your silver jewelry for a day or two in a solution of equal parts water and ammonia acid. This should almost permanently prevent any future tarnishing or skin discoloration characteristics.
          • Jewelers Skin Guard is a protective clear liquid that can be applied over the silver jewelry to create a protective barrier between your skin and the reactive metals. The cheaper, more do-it-yourself alternative to this is to apply clear nail polish on your jewelry to serve the same purpose.
          • Keep your skin dry when you wear jewelry. If you have your silver jewelry close to a humid place on your body, try dabbing on some powder to keep the moisture down.
          • Buffing your silver jewelry with some talcum powder and wrapping them in tissue if you don’t have a container or zip-lock bag will also keep your silver from tarnishing.
          • The last and best way to prevent silver jewelry from turning your skin black is to insist on buying rhodium-plated silver only. The coating may wear off and you will need to get a new coating every few years at an added expense, but it’s worth it.
          @GOLDCeylon - Precious Metal E-Magazine

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