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» »Unlabelled » Tungsten filled Jewellery Major Threat

Tungsten Filled Jewellery - Major Threat
Any Solution - Yes

Tungsten Fille Jewellery (Fakes) - Be come MajorThreat for Banks Pawn Brokers and Jewellery buyers.

Most bankers and pawning brokers in Asian countries face big problem due to tungsten filled gold jewelleris.
Now adays the fakes are getting better due to high price of gold.  “They’re beating the magnet test, the weight and density test. Nowadays, gold needs to be tested several ways, including scratch testing or cutting into the metal, even if it means ruining the piece. Unfortunately, most customers intend to reclaim their jewelry and don’t want it damaged.”

It was also unclear whether X-ray
fluorescence (XRF) could be a viable
solution. Due to the fact that X-rays cannot
penetrate very far into gold (approx. 8 to
10 um), the test results could not be
considered reliable or conclusive. For
example, if XRF analysis was used to test a
copy that had been gilded, the results were
often correct; however, if the copy had a
coating of gold plate, the results would be
entirely incorrect.

The only method that was actually still
suitable for use was ultrasound testing. But
even this method has considerable limits,

as it is generally only effective when
testing bars (as it requires smooth contact
surfaces) and then only when the test
pieces are unpackaged.

Furthermore, the conductivity testing
equipment on the market at the time was
not designed to deal with the problem, as
the testing method only focused on
analysing the surface.

Then how to identify tungsten filled gold jewellery.  Visual inspection must needed. Don't depend with your density mesurement test.

If you doutable with visual inpection. Check the weight of the jewellery. If you have have experience with different styles of jewellery, you can identify over weight jewelleris by using you hands.

If you need more verification put jewellery on tiled floor and hearing the sound from it. Gold has fine tuning sound. But tungsten hasn't tuning sound with different frequency.Hearing carefully to the sound both these rings.
Ping test is an effective test for 22k gold coins, because 22k coins have a very unique sound. The ping test can be performed while putting the coin on the tip of your forefinger and then softly bang another coin onto it. A real coin will make “piiiiiinnnnngggg” while a tungsten fake will make “clock”.

As the specific weight from tungsten with 19.25 g/cm3 is close to gold with 19.284 g/cm3. It is therefore the preferred material for counterfeiting gold products. So densimeter not recommend from World Gold Council due to 100% wrong readings.

So we recommend only
1. Visual inpection (using 10 X lence)
2. Consider the weight of the jewellery 
3. Sound (frequency)from the jewellery or pin test.
You must watch video and get golden knowledge.

Thank you!

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